Saturday, June 7, 2014

Grandpa's Hot Yoga Blog

Grandpa’s Hot Yoga Challenge - 
After 40 years, at 61 years of age, I started yoga again on February 1, 2013.
I had taught Transcendental Meditation in 1971-1973 and also had done yoga back in the day. On February 1st of 2013, I went to a hot yoga class and was amazed at the intensity of the workout. It took me three days to recover, but then I went back and soon completed four classes in row, because my body loved the asanas and workout.

After the fourth day, I heard that there was a ten day challenge so I figured that, since I already had four done, why not? At the time, it seemed like a big deal, maybe because I weighed 260lb. At the end of the tenth day, I heard about a thirty day challenge, so I thought I could do twenty more days, and then after that, I thought of setting a powerful goal of one hundred days. It was my personal Mt. Everest. I heard that yoga would change my life and I believed it, so I thought that if I did more of it, it would change my life more, and it did.

The personal transformation and depth of experience on all levels cannot be fully described here. I think I could write a book about it. However, here are the main benefits and insights that I have had in a nutshell: rejuvenation, weight loss, boost in confidence, and a renewed life. 

On day 97, I decided to write this blog. I started it about a year ago but never published it.
I ended up doing a personal 100 day challenge, one class a day for 100 days straight.

But, that is another story. Stay tuned!
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