Saturday, June 6, 2015

Writing: My Challenge and My Blessing

by David Brown

With a natural gift for writing (blogs, web copy, Facebook posts, books-in-progress), you would think that it is an enjoyable, fun process that I can easily do every day. Yet, the reality for me as well as many writers, is that the resistance or writer's block, or time management for writing all seem to play a role in hindering the actual process sometimes.

Here's some tips that I have found that helps in starting and keeping the momentum of  a project, working on it, and completing it.

1) Writing - A Daily Commitment
I write daily with a commitment to time or number of words, or whatever system works to make it a daily event. It doesn't need to be all at once. Maybe 30 minutes in the morning and evening if other things are taking up too much time. It can be a certain time or time frame every day, as an appointed sacred time and space to focus on the writing, be creative, and let the words flow. The morning works best for me, however, I also am open to writing any time of day or night.

2) All Those "Other Things"
Other Things are anything that is not writing, including research. Research for writing is needed in most cases but it needs to be done in addition to actual writing time. The novel that I am work on is a prime example. I have done much more research on the subject than actual writing. This is starting to change as I integrate the actual writing time with research already done. 

3) A Vision, Mission, and Goal
I have a vision, a mission statement, and  goals for each writing project. A vision is seeing the purpose of your writing project, being inspired to research and write about it, and having the writing project accomplish certain goals, such as one chapter, one paragraph, one rough draft by a certain hour, day, week, month, and year. This is easier said than done.

4) Reasons to Write
The reasons why I write include enjoying the adventure of exploring ideas, topics, and themes in our complex world, and expressing my own insights, thoughts, feelings, and wisdom about them, to possibly help others in their own understanding, and make a contribution.

5) Writing as a Journey
Experiences in writing are as varied as experiences in life. Each writing project can be like a journey. A journey into the subject or theme of the writing project. A journey of the moments of actual writing and letting words flow with intuition, ideas, inspiration, and heart. The expression "the joy is in the journey" easily applies to writing, although there can be moments of frustration and challenge that may not be joyful. Accepting these moments is also an important part of this journey.

6) Reading for Writing Inspiration
Most all writers, including myself,  are also readers, and enjoy an appetite for various types of writing, either within the same genre, or across a spectrum of different topics, subjects, and themes.

By reading how others have crafted words it is an important experience to be inspired in our own word crafting, and completion of writing projects. In a Google search for "The best books for a writer to read" ( , there are a number of resources to create a "reading journey" - an exploration of what books have been recommended both for books on writing, as well as books that are recommended to read in general or for specific purposes.

One example is Stephen King, whose book On Writing was published in 2000. In that book he provides insights as well as practical tools for writers, a description of his near death experience when hit by a car while walking on a road, and a list of 96 books in the appendix, which represent a wide spectrum of reading that has inspired him as well as his writing. I need to read this book again as I am reminded of how much it inspired me.

7) Writing about Current Trending Topics
What's the latest hash tag? Most popular post on Facebook? Why? What stands out as a topic that I want to write about, that is compelling, challenging, and makes a difference in people's lives who reads it? Example: As I am writing this section I will research hot topics using one of my research tools which sorts published works based on the most shared or liked in social media. Based on that, I can either curate the same article by writing about it or the same topic giving reference to it, or start my own original content with a catchy title, and publish it on blogger and Twitter, and Facebook.

8) Thank You Stephen King
Writers who write about writing may have many unique and distinctive insights that can be inspiring to those of us who have a gift, an inspiration, and some motivation to write now, and get into the process. Stephen King's book "On Writing - A Memoir of the Craft" is an excellent combination of personal story, journey, experiences, insights, and practical wisdom from a master writer.
When he describes the process of writing the book "The Stand", he gives us the details if his breakthrough in getting past an area of the story that has stopped and needed to get moving again. After getting the idea of a bomb in the closet, he had a an inspiration and in a frenzy of excitement, he wrote two pages of notes, followed by completing the rest of the book in nine weeks.   Stories can take on a life of their own, as can the writing process for every story and parts of a story. It is a wide open playing field.

"If there is any one thing that I love about writing more than the rest, it's the sudden flash of insight when you see how everything connects. I have heard it called "thinking above the curve," and it's that; I've heard it called "the over logic", and it's that too."  (p. 204 On Writing)

9) It's Never Too Late to Start
Although many writers start early in life and develop their craft over years, it is never too late in life to start writing (note to baby boomers). Writing has so many benefits as a process in itself. It is a journey, and there is joy in that journey, as a creative expression, as an art of word crafting, a fun experience, and even as a recreational hobby. Publishing does not have to be the main goal. If the goal is to write with a commitment to superb storytelling, on a subject that you love, with original ideas, killer scenes and unique characters, high stakes, and a flow of plot that keeps readers interested, then publishing will follow. This happens to be my goal, and I am working on it, although not every day yet, which is also one of my goals! 

10) Thank you for the inspiration  - J.K. Rowling
The story of J.K. Rowling and how she got started writing the Harry Potter series is an inspiring example of serendipity, love of the story, and opening up the creative imagination to receive the ideas, the unique characters, the twists and turns of a plot, and the mysteries of the supernatural. 

On a train that was delayed to London in 1990, JK got the idea for the Harry Potter story. Seven years followed in which her mother died, she got divorced, and was living in poverty.

She finished the manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on a manual typewriter, was rejected by twelve publishers, and the one that accepted her was due to a review of the first chapter by an eight year old daughter of the chairman of the publishing company!

The rest is an amazing story in itself. The Harry Potter brand is now worth over $15 billion. The last four books in the series of seven were the fastest selling books in history. Her books have sold more than 400 million copies. Thank you J.K. Rowling for the inspiration to keep writing.

Like yoga, writing can become a disciplined practice, with many benefits, for the writer and the reader. It also is an ancient tradition. The scribes and writers who are living today as well as those who have passed continue to inspire writers today in the legacy of their written words. I try to listen to their voices in the silence of a meditation. It is both a challenge and a blessing.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Four Bio-Hacking Ideas to Improve Your Health

by David Brown

One of the buzzwords being used today for many things besides breaking into computers is "hacking". The term implies tweaking, manipulating, using shortcuts, avoidance strategies, cutting edge methods, and "secrets" to produce a result, an effect, or a goal. We can hack content marketing, the stock market, better parenting, lovemaking, brainpower, and our health.

Bio-hacking in general - for personal use - is integrating any type of nutrient, or method, app, idea, or experience to improve our physical and/or mental health.

You are already doing this to some extent. Every time you use a vitamin, or do a workout, or a mind exercise, it can be seen as adding something to enhance your health. Of course if you drink too much or abuse drugs that is a different type of bio-hacking, not recommended. 

The focus here is to enhance your health and well being with bio hacking methods. It may not be termed bio-hacking, yet it has the same goal.

Technology is an important area of bio-hacking. For starters, here are a few hacks that seem to have a lot of value, and that I am using personally for my health.

1) Heartmath - The Research is Fascinating and the Time to Use it is Minimal
I use the Inner Balance for IOS
full story > 
Research Behind Heartmath > also recommended

2) SleepCycle - An App That Monitors Your Sleep and Gives You an Analysis of Quality

Since we sleep many hours during the every day, it's important that we make sure that we are getting the quality of sleep we need and SleepCycle provides that for a small price. The app is added to your cell phone and the phone becomes a monitoring device while you sleep. Great technology.
Learn More > 

3) The Bulletproof Diet - How to Bio-Hack Your Way to Better Health and Weight Loss

Dave Asprey, a former Silicon Valley entrepreneur, spent over $300,000 researching methods to lose weight and improve health. There's a lot of information in this link below:
The "Roadmap" - The Book - The Podcasts - The Blog > 

4) Body by Science - A Research-Based Program for Strength Training

I am reading this now and the introduction alone is worth the price of the book.

"This book will challenge everything you knew about exercise and takes you deep inside your body's workings - all the way down to the single cell - to explain what science now knows about the role of exercise in human health." Explore the positive effects of high intensity, low frequency weight training, and learn why the traditional aerobic-centric exercise may have negative effects that you are unaware of.

On Amazon >

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A Few Recommended Books 2015

by David Brown
These are books that I have read recently, (including 2014) and recommend. I am way too busy to write reviews now but there are plenty on Amazon, and a link to the book is provided.

Some of these books include recent research which provides insights, methods, and strategies for squeezing more out of life which helps since we are all challenged with time management, information, balancing the areas of life such as health, family, business, recreation, relationships, learning, and more.

So here is a partial list. It may not include all, but some excellent quality is here.

The Happiness Hypothesis
"In his widely praised book, award-winning psychologist Jonathan Haidt examines the world’s philosophical wisdom through the lens of psychological science, showing how a deeper understanding of enduring maxims-like Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, or What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger-can enrich and even transform our lives."

Warning: After Reading This Book You May Want to Walk the Camino....
Walking Home - A Pilgrimage -  It's on My List

from Amazon
" Life was falling apart. Within the space of three years, New York Times best-selling author and six-sensory spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette had suffered the unexpected death of two close family members, seen her marriage implode, and been let down by trusted colleagues. And sympathy was not forthcoming. “You’re a world-renowned intuitive guide and teacher,” people jeered. “How could you not have seen this coming?” Having intuitive abilities didn’t make Sonia superhuman, however. Nor did it exempt her from being wounded or suffering the pain of loss and the consequences of our all-too-human traits such as anger, resentment, and pride—traits that can lead even the best of us to stray from our path.
     In order to regain her spiritual footing, Sonia turned to the age-old practice of pilgrimage and set out to walk the legendary Camino de Santiago, an 800-kilometer (500-mile) trek over the Pyrenees and across northern Spain. Day after day she pushed through hunger, exhaustion, and pain to reach her destination. Eventually, mortification of the flesh gave way to spiritual renewal, and she rediscovered the gifts of humility and forgiveness that she needed to repair her world.
     In this riveting book, Sonia shares the intimate details of her grueling experience, as well as the unexpected moments of grace, humor, beauty, and companionship that supported her through her darkest hours. While her journey is unique, the lessons she learned—about honoring your relationships with others as well as with your own higher self, and forgiving all else—are universal."

Bio Hacking and The Bulletproof Diet
I really like the way Dave Asprey did extensive cutting edge research to find studies of ways to "bio-hack" or enhance the health and mind and sleep using methods, technology, and selected nutrients. It's controversial to some. For me, I am enjoying the diet, especially the grass fed beef, and recommend that anyone who wants to lose weight and improve their health check it out.

Here's  a Fun and Fascinating Book to Enjoy -  The Happiness of Spending
"Two professors combine their fascinating and cutting-edge research in behavioral science to explain how money can buy happiness—if you follow five core principles of smart spending."

Abundance - The Future is Better Than You Think
This is a must read for anyone (which includes about everyone) who thinks that the world is falling apart and the problems that we face are insurmountable. Fascinating read.
Abundance, space entrepreneur turned innovation pioneer Peter H. Diamandis and award-winning science writer Steven Kotler document how progress in artificial intelligence, robotics, digital manufacturing synthetic biology, and other exponentially growing technologies will enable us to make greater gains in the next two decades than we have in the previous 200 years. We will soon have the ability to meet and exceed the basic needs of every person on the planet. Abundance for all is within our grasp."

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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Ultimate New Year's Resolution

by David Brown

 Today, on New Year's Eve, millions of people engage in an annual traditional ritual that has hope, expectation, and a desire for change.

The New Year's resolution is done either before New Year's Day, or maybe after that late night New Year's Eve in which the last hurrah of the old year is gone and a Happy New Year is shared and celebrated by everyone around the world.

The resolution(s) may pertain to weight loss, health, relationships, business, finances, spiritual goals, or all of the above.

How many New Year's resolutions were followed through during the whole year?

Another annual tradition occurs in the gyms, yoga studios, and fitness clubs. Every January there is a surge in memberships and more participation by existing members. By February there is a drop off back to normal levels.

Is there an "ultimate resolution" than can prevent the falling off in February or before? What would it contain? How would it be different? Why would it work compared to other well laid plans?

I recently discovered this after needing to make some changes but wanting to bring in as much support, willpower, experience, and intensity as I could gather to make it happen.

About five years ago I attended a weekend intensive event in which 2000 other people were there and the results were life changing. It happened in the summer and although it wasn't just before New Year's Day it had the effect that carried through until then. Somewhere along the months after I began to fall back and lose the momentum that I had going after that intensive. So this time I figured that I need something that I can do daily to sustain my new goals and resolutions throughout the year and beyond. One four day intensive might be fine, but I also wanted something now that I could use and did not want to wait until next year - 2015 - to get started.

At this point you must be wondering who and what is this and why does it pertain to the "ultimate resolution".

The organization is Robbins Research, founded by Anthony Robbins, one of the top trainers and coaches in the world. He is appearing more and more in the media if you haven't heard of him, and is called the CEO whisperer by Forbes in an article just published on December 27th. Tony Robbins is featured at the top of the list for "15 Fabulous Fortune Reads from 2014" and is touted as one of the best stories in Forbes for this year. He also has a book that is in the top ten of the New York Times bestseller lists, and all of the proceeds are being donated to charity. 

So if you could have him as your personal coach and trainer to help you with your New Year's resolution, do you think it might actually work and will not fall away in February?

I made a phone call around December 15th to my same contact person in the organization that sponsored the event, and not only did I sign up for another event for the summer of 2015, I told her that I wanted something now that I can use daily for the next six months before then to get results.

She made a recommendation, and I thought about it and researched it a bit. It was on a 30 day free trial, which made it much easier to try, and I took the plunge.

The program is called The Ultimate Edge. What a perfect title for the ultimate resolution.

It contains three programs in one, on CD's and a few DVDs. It is like advanced therapy, personal training and coaching, motivation and inspiration all rolled into one amazing educational tool to support you accomplishing your goals, resolutions, and changes in your life if needed.

I am about two weeks into the program and finished it sooner than expected. I have integrated some of the information into my life and am seeing results already, and the New Year has not even started.

It's no longer a New Year's resolution. It is a resolution for life. It is the ultimate resolution.

Give it a 30 day free trial, and find out how it can help you to make your New Year amazing.

Visit the web site at and/or Contact Billie Sandoval, who has worked with the Robbins group for twenty four years. Her telephone # is 858.535.6277.

Have a Happy, Prosperous, and Healthy New Year!

David Brown
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving - Not Just a Holiday - Thank you Tony Robbins

Is Thanksgiving Day more than just a holiday? The two words of thanks and giving are powerful words that reflect actions; things that we can do to live a more fuller life.

This week is the Thanksgiving holiday week and everyone is getting prepared for it with food and family planning. Another preparation that is going on with many are reviewing all the blessings that we are thankful for, and how we can give to help others as a result of our own gratitude.

Two years ago I had the thought that Thanksgiving Day can be celebrated to some extent every day. That is doesn't need to be limited to one day per year. Of course I'm not referring to the family gatherings and food aspect of the holiday, but to the process of giving thanks and of giving to others.

Gratitude - We Give Thanks

We live in such an abundant and free country here in the U.S., and yes, in spite of all the challenges that we face individually and collectively, we can truly be grateful for what we have here compared to other countries. We can be grateful for the arts as well as business, our friends as well as our families, and those blessings in our life, both large and small, that we have received. Even challenges can be a blessing in disguise as we learn after the fact that it helped us in some way.

Gratitude is a deeply spiritual practice also, and is usually a part of prayer, meditation, and conscious thought during the day. If we made a list of all the things that we are grateful for we might be surprised that we can not finish it in one day. The list may go beyond our own life and include the lives and contributions of others such as those who have passed on and made a major contribution to humanity such as the Nobel Peace prize winners or business leaders, or teachers who created life changing events for thousands of people, such as Tony Robbins.

Giving - The Amazing Value of Helping Others

I just finished a book by Tony Robbins, someone whom I admire and have seen live at one of his events, Unleash the Power Within (UPW) about five years ago. His new book, titled Money - Master the Game , is a game changer. This book is a must read for anyone to get a better understanding of the investment world, and Robbins interviews the top financial investment experts in the industry, many whom he knows personally. The book, in the end, is not about him, or you, but about helping others. The chapter on giving just blew me away, and made me realize that I can make a difference in helping a child escape slavery, receive food and water, and get an education. You cannot help but be engaged with this book. It was a page turner and hard to put down. The younger you are when reading this the better advantage that you have in planning ahead and enjoying the time proven value of compounding and planning ahead. Tony also uses examples from his early life that are dramatic and powerfully inspirational.
from Amazon:
"Based on extensive research and one-on-one interviews with more than 50 of the most legendary financial experts in the world—from Carl Icahn and Warren Buffett, to Ray Dalio and Steve Forbes—Tony Robbins has created a simple 7-step blueprint that anyone can use for financial freedom.

Robbins has a brilliant way of using metaphor and story to illustrate even the most complex financial concepts—making them simple and actionable. With expert advice on our most important financial decisions, Robbins is an advocate for the reader, dispelling the myths that often rob people of their financial dreams. 

Tony Robbins walks readers of every income level through the steps to become financially free by creating a lifetime income plan. This book delivers invaluable information and essential practices for getting your financial house in order." 
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Friday, November 21, 2014

The Signature of All Things Book Review

by David Brown

Thank you Elizabeth Gilbert

You took me on a journey with your novel and let me discover your amazing story, so well written that it hits a ten on my unofficial scale of novel writing.

I try to pick books that I think might be a good read, after looking at reviews, best seller lists, synopsis, and maybe a glance at the "take a peek" Amazon feature.

Take botany, international commerce, depth of family characters, and a young woman who has the soul of a pioneer, the mind of a scholar, and a heart devoted to the love of plants.

Alma Whittaker is the epitome of a superior intellect with a deep passion for her life's work, including the unique plant life of moss. With a strong, and stubborn Dutch mother and a self-made multi-millionaire tycoon father, she experiences unusual twists and turns in her own journey through life, and keeps you engaged as if you are sharing it with her.

What I enjoyed besides the story writing, characters, plot, and settings in this novel were the mystical undertones of breakthrough scientific inquiry, where the supernatural or divine creation continues to tease those researchers who make new discoveries that sometimes defy logic and rationality.

May all novels that I read from now on be on this same level of excellence.

View the book summary, reviews, and sample pages on Amazon:
The Signature of All Things: A Novel

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Friday, October 3, 2014

Still Round the Corner ...

"Still round the corner 
there may wait, a secret road or secret gate" -J.R.R. Tolkien

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